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Fv17/Fv720 | Eng|Pricing and discounts

Rate group 1

Vehicles with a maximum permitted weight of up to and including 3,500 kilograms, as well as all vehicles regardless of weight in vehicle group M1 with a valid AutoPASS agreement.

TollsFull pricePostpaymentPostpayment zero emissions
Fv.17 Dyrstadkr. 34,00kr. 27,20 kr. 19,04
Fv.17 Sprovakr. 56,00kr. 44,80 kr. 31,36
Fv. Malmkr. 65,00kr. 52,00kr. 36,40


Rate group 2

Vehicles with a maximum permitted weight from and including 3,501 kilograms, with the exception of vehicles registered in vehicle group M1 with a valid AutoPASS agreement.

BomstasjonerFull pricePostpaymentPostpayment zero emissions
Fv.17 Dyrstadkr. 65,00kr. 65,00kr. 0,00
Fv.17 Sprovakr. 111,00kr. 111,00kr. 0,00
Fv. Malmkr. 130,00kr. 130,00kr. 0,00


Monthly ceiling: Monthly ceiling means that you pay for a maximum number of passings in a calendar month per. vehicles on a autoPASS subscription. For Fv17/Fv720, there is a monthly ceiling of 60 passings per toll station for vehicles in tariff group 1. The monthly ceiling does not apply to tariff group 2. The monthly ceiling presupposes an autoPASS subscription and a valid tag.

Hourly rule: Hourly rule means that you only pay for one toll per hour, even if you pass several tolls within this hour. The time rule does not apply on Fv17/Fv720.